We thank those of you who supported The Third Skin@Bath Network Symposium with your presence as Chairs, speakers, helpers and co-organisers.
We are very grateful for a dedicated welcome note that was given by Prof Ian White, Vice Chancellor and President of the University of Bath. We are also appreciative of Profs Adele Murrell and Banafshe Larijani, for the inaugural notes.
This hybrid event that was held in the historical Guildhall building at the heart of Bath city has been very successful. There were 170 participants from 13 countries, 103 of which attended the event in person despite challenges of cold weather, icy roads and train strikes. Over 55 talks and 26 posters were presented within two days by prestigious national and international clinicians, healthcare professional and scientists as well as early career researchers, medical trainees and postgraduate students.
We were very pleased to continue our partnership with China-UK Skin Consortium co-led this year by Prof. Kaiyong Cai the Dean of College of Bioengineering at Chongqing University and with introduction of a new topic to the symposium on “Biomechanics and biomedical engineering” that is coordinated with us and Profs Li Yang, Mingxing Lei, and Julia Li Zhong from Chongqing University. Several imminent Dermatologists and scientists from China (over 30 delegates) attended this symposium online, due to restriction to travel to UK because of Covid-19 surge in China .
This year with the kind support received from the Faculty of Science and BIRD, we have also been able to launch the Dr Nick Hall Memorial Bursary to provide travel bursaries to a number of early career researchers, medical trainees and postgraduate students. Dr Nick Hall, is fondly remembered as a distinguished academic reader and a highly supportive Director of studies at the former Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology of the University of Bath before his retirement in 2013. He was also a dedicated mentor for early career researchers and junior academic lecturers for whom he provided many opportunities for research within the field of rheumatic disease as the Chair of the Bath Institute for Rheumatic Diseases (BIRD), which he co-founded in 1975 as part of the University of Bath with the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases. Dr Nick Hall helped initiate BIRD’s role as the partner to Skin@Bath from its beginning. In recognition of his contribution to the support of young research investigators and early career researchers throughout his career, the Nick Hall Memorial Bursary will continue his legacy by financially supporting the participation of young researchers and medical trainees either at postgraduate or early career stages of their career to the Skin@Bath Network Symposium. Applicants are restricted to Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, and medical trainees and applications from less privileged countries are prioritised in the selection stage.
We thank the Symposium sponsors Pfizer, Sanofi, Abbvie and Janssen/Johnson & Johnson as well as Faculty of Science and BIRD. We are also grateful for the support in kind received from the members of the Department of Life Sciences and Centre for Therapeutic Innovation.
We hope you enjoyed the event and hope to see you at the Fourth Skin@Bath Network Symposium in 2024.
Thanks to our sponsors:
